Friday, 2 November 2018

Approaching CIPD ACE with refreshed thinking

It's nearly ACE!

I am really pleased to be on the #Blogsquad of the CIPD's Annual Conference and Exhibition (the ACE in the title!). But, there's a 'but'. Several, in fact!

Whenever I find myself using the word 'but' after a less than positive sentence, I know it's time for some fresh thinking*.

(*And fresh thinking is one of the things I know I'm going to experience at ACE.)

So this week, I've had to challenge myself around the sentence "I'm really looking forward to CIPD ACE, but..."

In no particular order, my 'but' list is...

1. I've so much to do in the office
2. My son is not happy I'm off... again
3. There's so much to see and do there, how will I do it all?
4. I'm not properly prepared
5. What if I don't do my blog-job well enough

So, here's what I'm reminding myself in response...

1. With so much to do at work, now is the perfect time to give myself this 'break'. We can get too locked in to the day job, and getting out and about can revive us and make us more efficient and energised on the return.

2. My work related trip refreshes me for home too, as a break from the everyday. More importantly, it's good for my son to see me do work-stuff outside of the day job and see how immersed and happy you can be doing a job you really want to be and grow in.

3. Whoa, take the pressure off! I don't have to see and do it all. And nor should I want or need to. One of the great things - there's such a range of things to engage in. You have, can and get to make some savvy personal choices. Linked to...

4. I'm not prepared YET, but equally I'm not there yet either. There's still time. If I focus. Focus on what I actually need to hear, see, seek and know. But also that I should just allow room to go with the flow, in the moment, when the time comes.

5. I will reflect what I feel as well as what I see and hear. And what does 'well enough' mean anyway. I'm not there to be perfect, just to give a reflection of my experience. And hey, I'm not alone... there are my super talented blog-squadders who'll be doing a super job, sharing content in all manner of ways. (In other words, get over yourself Dee!)

And there you have it.

Do you have a 'but' list? Is it much the same as mine? How can you reframe yours? I tell you, it'll be worth it to go with a healthy mindset and clear conscience.

If you can't make it, find us on social media and read our various blogs. You'll find us using the hashtag #cipdACE and will find most of us on LinkedIn or a quick internet search.

Hope  to see you there in person, or on social media!
#reenergised #excited Denise.

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